No one even thinks about Tuesday. It’s not painful to start the day… it’s just Tuesday. The hump doesn’t happen until tomorrow. Anything that doesn’t get done today will get done tomorrow. The biggest meeting day is Thursday. Traffic in normal on Tuesday and horrible on Thursday. A coincidence? I think not. Tuesday is no Friday or Saturday and never mind being anywhere near a Sunday. Tuesday is, well, just Tuesday. What Tuesday lacks in flash and emotion it gains […]
Read more →What do you feel at the end of the work day? Exhausted? Exhilarated? Satisfied? Beaten? Happy? Now, I am personally satisfied and wish there were more hours in the day. However that wasn’t always the case. I was flipping through my old blog notes and was reminded of a time that I knew at the time was profound. I knew because something happened that never happened before. I was sitting in a class in grad school and tears were streaming […]
Read more →A pivotal moment in my life happened when I walked into my office on the 17th floor with my hair still wet, a t-shirt and kahki pants with flippity flip shoes in that they were noisy. At least I wasn’t wearing flip flops. There were people in my office waiting for me. I was late and remembered the meeting I set the day before for the very start of the day. They were from sales. The poised woman was slowly, […]
Read more →Ten Signs That You Know You Need Rebuild Your Executive Brand with Authentic Leadership I just read a statistic that 80% of working people go home at the end of the day unsatisfied or unfulfilled by their work. There was no source quoted but I think of the days I left work and was depleted by my day. That means that eight of every ten people you know that work, are not happy doing that work. People handle that discomfort […]
Read more →Appropriately Handling a Death in the Office There has been a death in the office of one my friends. Her coworker completed a suicide. He was a manager and had people reporting to him. They are stunned. They don’t even know what they feel. One might wonder, “What happens now? How do the people who worked for him behave? How do they work at their desks?” Because it was a suicide that just complicates things. Beyond the stigma that is […]
Read more →Power of Authentic Leadership: Transparency in Today’s Workplace We hear a lot about authentic leadership in the world of developing leaders for your organization. I have to laugh when I hear that because what is the opposite of authentic? The opposite as far as I can find is from not authentic, false, fake, mock, synthetic or the worst I can find is fraudulent. Please tell me why anyone would spend one minute in any of those categories when leading people? […]
Read more →Top 5 Tips for Executive Leadership Enough! Caring too much is not a character flaw that needs to be eradicated. Caring is essential to leadership. Executive leadership means you are responsible for building the business and doing the right thing for all the employees and customers within your community called the enterprise. It is your job to do the deep dive and strategize the next step while weighing the impact on people and then make changes for the organization with […]
Read more →Motivating Employees for Company Success To quote Steve Schott on motivating employees, “You cannot motivate anyone else if you are not motivated.” Realizing that behavior, for employees to model, starts with us is the first step to “controlling” others. Well, this article is not really about “controlling” others, but tactically using our influence to motivate employees and/or the team to be more engaged. Gallup (the polling company from way back when) has studied millions of employees in organizations on how […]
Read more →I was asked recently about how building trust in business with key stakeholders. The question surprised me in that I have always espoused that integrity of word is one of the strongest career development tools in your reach. You tell people what you are going to do and then do it. Simple, until asked then I knew that answer was not enough. In any business there are there are well-known deal breakers. But when there is a lack of trust […]
Read more →Behind the Business Coaching Curtain: Bringing The Leader Out of Managers I am often asked, “What do you do?” resulting with the typical answer. “I am an executive coach.” Since people have heard of that but do not really know what that is or what it looks like, they stop asking questions. In honor of International Coaching Week I would like to answer those questions never asked. What does it mean to be an executive coach? Well, it is a […]
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