I was reading an old blog about the last day of contract that ended and I was relieved. This was a contract after my tenure with the mouse so I knew a lot about the environment, the people and the product before even accepting. I had a lot to learn and it wasn’t all job related, if you know what I mean. I had a lot to learn about my personal brand. The weird part for me was that […]
Read more →A client described feeling dead inside. It was so weird because she looked very much alive, vibrant and living a life that was interesting and exciting from the external point of view. The death that she described wasn’t her heart, her soul or her drive. It was her dream. She forget what she was supposed to do in life and found herself on a path that looked like success but felt like a trap. Knowing your personal brand is finding […]
Read more →Ten Signs That You Know You Need Rebuild Your Executive Brand with Authentic Leadership I just read a statistic that 80% of working people go home at the end of the day unsatisfied or unfulfilled by their work. There was no source quoted but I think of the days I left work and was depleted by my day. That means that eight of every ten people you know that work, are not happy doing that work. People handle that discomfort […]
Read more →Power of Authentic Leadership: Transparency in Today’s Workplace We hear a lot about authentic leadership in the world of developing leaders for your organization. I have to laugh when I hear that because what is the opposite of authentic? The opposite as far as I can find is from not authentic, false, fake, mock, synthetic or the worst I can find is fraudulent. Please tell me why anyone would spend one minute in any of those categories when leading people? […]
Read more →Finding Success Working Above Your Title Let me rant for a moment. If I had a nickel for every time someone, when asked about their career, told me they were waiting to get promoted, I would be rich. Rich, I say! The truth is that, when it comes to your career, you’re in the driver seat. When you are in the driver seat you know that you have to drive. Seriously, if one of my people came to me and […]
Read more →Building self-confidence by figuring out How to Get a Job As a coach I encounter many questions that are unanswerable. Like how do I get a job? Seriously there are so many paths to getting “a” job. So how do I answer that? The truth is that the more you know about yourself the easier it is to be attractive to employers. The more you know what you’re really good at it’s easier to highlight that. The more you […]
Read more →6 Signs That You Are Stuck In Your Job Do you have the dream that you’re running and your legs are moving in slow motion? Yeah, the one where you’re not getting anywhere? Or the dream where you’re under water and you’re moving around and you see the light…but moving towards it isn’t coming fast enough? Or the one where you’re in a meeting and you’re on a task force for a new product and the two directors of “slightly” […]
Read more →How To Get Promoted Just like any other project you want to have a strategic approach to your career. That includes managing the messaging to others about who you are, what you’re good at, new ideas that you bring to the table to solve problems. What follows is a culmination of twenty five years of marketing and studying social behavior in organizations for ten years I have a few steps to help you get promoted. Imagine you are the product […]
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